Campus Relationship – a very effective tool for cost managment and channel optimization which provides a strong link between academia and corporate arena. It fosters a long-term partnership with the selected campuses by offering support in areas of mutual interest. The great advantage is that it attracts right talent with lesser time and efforts involved. Also, it is an opportunity to select the best from the available talent pool.
Subcontract Management – this trend is really catching up in India as well with the global

Reference Checks – it is a process of authenticating the information provided to a potential employer by a job applicant in the resume, application and interviews. Background verification ensures the employer that the candidate has the background and experience he or she claims. They are vital in maintaining workforce integrity and safety. This practice reduces the risk associated with hiring decisions.

Employee Onboarding – it is the process of the new employee’s orientation, mainstreaming and alignment with the organization. At its best, the process of new employee orientation solidifies the new employee’s relationship with the organization. It fuels their enthusiasm and guides their steps into a long term positive relationship with the company.
In the next post I shall touch upon on the interviewing process. Watch out the space!
This article is so helpful for the students of Human resource management. You have discussed Cornerstones of HR Value Chain in detail which is really beneficial for us.