In continuation of my earlier post where in we deliberated on "WHAT TO DO " & "WHAT NOT TO DO" while conducting interviews. In this post, I intend to touch upon on significance of cultural sensitization and body language.
It is imperative that we avoid Stereotyping, discrimination and take cognizance of the cultural sensitivity while conducting an interview. Culture is the "lens" through which you view the world. It is central to what you see, how you make sense of what you see, and how you express yourself.
We must remember that candidate's may be different in race, gender, ethnicity, perspectives, socio-economic status, etc. Here are some differences you may experience between and among applicants from different cultures of the world, West and the East.

We must remember that candidate's may be different in race, gender, ethnicity, perspectives, socio-economic status, etc. Here are some differences you may experience between and among applicants from different cultures of the world, West and the East.
Extended Self | Spiritual | Present orientation | Passive | Softer and slower speech | Less than 1 foot physical distance | Casual approximation of time
Individualism | Materialistic | Future orientation | Aggressive | Louder and more rapid speech | Physical space is larger | Linear and structured view of time
Having deliberated on cultural sensitivity, let us now understand significance of the role that Body Language plays in the success of interviewing process.
I could tell that he had been through something that wasn't good. I didn't know what, but it waswritten all over his face and his body language". Diane Adams
Body language is a language without spoken words and is therefore called non verbal communication. We use body language all the time, for instance looking someone in the eyes means something different than not looking someone in the eyes.
Body language plays a critical role in the interviewing process. Following body language clues will help control the pace of the interview :
- Sit forward to show that you are arriving at an important point
- Sit back to conclude an idea or to let the candidate digest what you have said.
- Look sideways to indicate the transition to another question or topic.
- Sit upright, shuffle papers, or put down your pen to indicate the interview is coming to an end.
- If your candidate sends different verbal and nonverbal messages, you will subconsciously trust what you see and not what you hear.
- You can also use your own body language to control the interview and the candidate. If you appear relaxed, friendly, and interested then the candidate will mirror your emotions and feelings.
- Negative clues to look for include: Crossed arms | Redness of face | Rubbing hands | Shifting in seat |Distracting you when they don’t want to answer something | Forgetting" to answer your question
In addition to verbal communication, eye contact is the most powerful tool for communication. Eyes either bind you to, or separate you from, your audience. Eye contact directly reflects the level of attentiveness and concentration to the interview. Make eye contact! And, similarly, take note of whether the candidate also makes eye contact.
In my next post, I will touch upon on Types of Questions. Watch out the space!
Body language is a language without spoken words and is therefore called non verbal communication.