The questions you ask candidates should be job-related. This is the single most important guideline to equal employment interviewing.
Remember at all times that employment decisions are not made on the basis of age; color; ancestry; race; ethnicity; “pedigree”; citizenship;disability; marital, parental or veteran status; religion; pregnancy or likelihood of pregnancy; physical or mental disability; sex or sexual orientation.
Open ended Questions:- - How - What - When - Where - Who – Why
Close ended Questions:- - Do you - Did you - Can you - Will you - Could you - Would you - Should you
Linking :- Remembering something mentioned earlier and including in a current question
Prompting/ encouraging expressions:- Tell me…, Describe …For example?, For instance?, In what sense? How come?, In simpler terms...
An interviewer should ask questions that are linked to:
Previous employment patterns, role, industry etc. Growth in responsibility, Skill acquisition which has occurred, Customer focus, Delivery – actual vs. required, Learning, Major achievements, Experience
Education and Training
Schooling, College – quality of institute, discipline, Post graduate, Certifications, Training undergone – on the job or classroom Learning
Personal & Social details
Family background, Interests and hobbies, Work / life balance, Motivation, What interests them about the job and Company, Self perceptions about strengths and weaknesses
Career plans – long term / short term, Personal goals and aspirations
In my next post, I will touch upon on what constitutes Good interview questions and how do we go about asking them.
In my next post, I will touch upon on what constitutes Good interview questions and how do we go about asking them.
Career plans – long term / short term, Personal goals and aspirations